Russell Advocaten has served as trusted advisor to many Embassies, Consulates and diplomats over the past decades on:

  • Legal opinions and dispute resolution
  • Employment law and dismissal of local staff
  • Sick personnel (rules, procedures, contacts with arbo service)
  • Personnel handbook
  • Buying and selling of Embassies and Residences
  • Attachment, garnishment, execution
  • Lease of office space and housing
  • Diplomatic immunity and inviolability
  • Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations

Rendering legal advice to Embassies and Consulates requires specialized legal knowledge which is part of the standard service at Russell Advocaten. We know from experience what problems foreign Embassies and Consulates in the Netherlands have to face. Our specialized workshops for Embassies, Consulates and international entrepreneurs are well-known and much frequented by representatives from diplomatic missions of all continents. In addition, our services include assistance in preventing legal procedures and avoid (costly) legal proceedings.