(Re-)building, placing solar panels or an advertisement on your commercial property? In the Netherlands you have to apply for an integrated environmental permit for such activities, unless it is a permit-free activity. So what is an integrated environmental permit, how can you apply for it and how does the procedure work after the application?
The integrated environmental permit is a single permit covering construction, environment, nature and space. It was established in 2010 to substitute a variety of permits, such as:
- The construction permit
- The demolition permit
- The environmental permit, and
- The advertising permit.
Applying for an integrated environmental permit
To apply for an integrated environmental permit, an application form must be submitted to the municipality. This can be done in writing or digitally. Applying for an environmental permit involves costs as the municipality charges a fee for it. We will gladly investigate whether you require an integrated environmental permit and can assist you with the application. Then, we will keep you informed of the status of your application.
Procedure after application
The application for the integrated environmental permit is assessed by the licensing authority, which are often the Mayor and Aldermen. A decision must be taken within a certain deadline. A distinction is made between two deadlines:
- Simple applications must be decided within eight weeks. This deadline can be renewed once by a maximum of six weeks. If the authority does not observe this period, the permit will be granted by law.
- For more complex applications – derogation from a zoning plan, for instance – there is an extensive procedure. A decision must be issued within a maximum period of six months. Within the first eight weeks of this period, a decision can be taken to renew the period by six weeks.
More information
This newsletter provides a brief insight into Dutch real estate law and the potential consequences for your Embassy. But the Embassy desk of our firm also focuses on:
- Employment law / Labour law
- Rent law
- Investment / Doing business in the Netherlands
- Matrimonial issues
- Immunity issues
Ynze Kliphuis,
Real estate lawyer of Embassy Desk